"Courageous care partners recharge with self-care, striving for peaceful pinnacles
in patience, persistence, and positive 
changes, knowing when to conquer and when to comfort."



The 'Knitting Lady' Is a Surgeon and She's Paying Attention! Or is she?

May 08, 2020 by Eileen Adler
It happened in August 2019 in Australia, but it could have happened anywhere. This lady was plying her craft during a meeting! The audacity! The impudence! The chutzpah! Was she even listening? She wasn’t knitting but rather crocheting but that’s not the point.

May Day

May 01, 2020 by Eileen Adler

May 1 – May Day - If you find yourself losing patience or recognize that someone you know is being treated unfairly, please secure help. Yes, there are days when you feel more sensitive.  

And all the time I thought I was just cooking or dancing or sewing.

Apr 30, 2020 by Eileen Adler
And all the time I thought I was just cooking or dancing or sewing. Fasten your seat belts again, it’s going to be a crafty – mathy ride!

Math and Craft

Apr 26, 2020 by Eileen Adler

And all the time I thought I was just knitting or crocheting or coloring. Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a crafty – mathy ride!

People Age Well Where They Have a Purpose – Regardless of Your Age

Apr 16, 2020 by Eileen Adler
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) whose work has had an impact on so many of us, was a scholar who studied philosophy in depth. Although viewed by some as revolutionary, he has left us with this thought to ponder: “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” Going through tough times and coming out on the other side may be viewed as a badge of honor when we feel braver, more powerful and more ready to take on the next struggle. 

Who Will Decide IF You Can’t?

Apr 10, 2020 by Eileen Adler
Something happens to the love of your life that is so serious they can’t make medical decisions for themselves . . . what will happen? This is not the time to make these life-altering decisions. Now is the time, before this might happen. It’s called an Advance Medical Directive which is state particular so check out the requirements for your state.

A Bromance is Very Important

Apr 05, 2020 by Eileen Adler
Bromance is very important, especially if you are a male care partner because it represents a non-sexual but close relationship between men: Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine, Bruce Springsteen and the late E Street Band saxophonist Clarence Clemons, George Clooney and Brad Pitt, and even Ernie and Bert are samples of bromances. Why would this matter? This fact arrived as a surprise: close to forty percent of care partners are men, this according to AARP, although statistically, men don’t fit the stereotypical care partner, that of an unpaid forty-nine-year-old woman. Society is teetering on new ways to organize itself; the difference between men and boys is no longer the price of their toys. Phillip Chan explained being a man this way: “It means having the courage to initiate conflict resolution and having the wisdom to communicate clearly and generously. It means having the adventuring spirit to know another person deeply. It means having the humility to not compete against others and how to be a person of character, how to be a person of purpose, and how to love people.”

Eat Your Colors by Eating the Rainbow

Mar 31, 2020 by Eileen Adler
Food brings nutritional benefits and pleasure. I like to think about my diet as a colorful artist’s palette, eating all the colors every day. By eating your colors, you are probably getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs. This is a colorful overview . . . enjoy.

A hidden illness . . . but not for the person who has it. . . but you look so good!

Mar 25, 2020 by Eileen Adler

A hidden illness . . . but not for the person who has it. . . but you look so good! “Just for the record darling, not all positive changes feel positive in the beginning,” advises S.C. Lourie, a writer and dance teacher, living in the outskirts of London.

Before you read another word, please know that this is an overview.

When in doubt, seek professional help.


Chronic disease is a burden worldwide. Effective treatments and education must be made available to all who suffer, acknowledging that one of these chronic illnesses, diabetes, is approaching an epidemic level in our country. Diabetes is th

Support for Parents for They are Care Partners Too

Mar 19, 2020 by Eileen Adler

When our first son was born, I told the nurse that I couldn’t be discharged from the hospital until she taught me how to change a diaper! I hadn’t spent much time around babies, and I had no clue. I learned, and within a few months, I ditched the diaper service and bought disposable diapers. Being a first-time mother, diapers weren’t the biggest concern, however. Every day felt like a first day on the job! Trying to ascertain the reason for a whimper, or oh no, a crying baby was hard, but my son was an easy baby, sleeping through the night at six weeks, and oh so happy.  

It’s Pi Day! Hi, how are you? I’m fine. How are you?

Mar 14, 2020 by Eileen Adler

Today is Pi Day, and it’s also the birthday of Albert Einstein born on this day in 1879. One of his famous quotations was "The important thing is not to stop questioning."  The best way to learn is by asking questions, and keep in mind that NO question is a stupid question.

Talking It over with Friends

Mar 07, 2020 by Eileen Adler
Spirituality has three answers to prayer or desire: maybe it’ll be "yes," "not yet," or "I have something even better in mind." You can be angry, but the trick is not to stay angry because the tragedy with anger is you miss the lesson and meaning of the experience you are going through. It often helps to talk with friends to share moments of concern and elicit responses; there’s an idea for everything!


Feb 21, 2020 by Eileen Adler

CARE Act is a major step in the right direction as more states are adopting laws to help family caregivers; currently, the “red” states and territories are now in compliance. This act, CARE: (Caregiver Advise, Record, Enable Act), requires hospitals to ask a patient if he or she wishes to name a family caregiver which is then officially included on the patient’s medical record enabling easy access to inform the caregiver of the patient’s discharge. For me, this last requirement is essential for it provides education and instructions on the medical or nursing tasks that will be needed to perform at home by the caregiver.  

Random Acts of Kindness Day

Feb 16, 2020 by Eileen Adler

Tomorrow is Random Acts of Kindness Day founded in 1995, but any day is a great day to give someone a random act of kindness. Having a special day to celebrate the idea can serve as a great prompt for people to do something completely selfless for someone else, bringing a smile to light up their day.

National Pizza Day but who brought pizza out of Italy?

Feb 09, 2020 by Eileen Adler

Gennaro Lombardi, an Italian immigrant, opened the first Pizzeria in the United States in 1905 in Little Italy in New York City but it didn’t catch on except with the locals. If you lived in Italy before World War II, you knew about pizza, but our soldiers returned home with pizza on their minds and the popular Italian snack was no longer just relegated to Italy. The most popular style of pizza is plain cheese, but if you’re interested in toppings, here they are in order of preference: pepperoni, sausage, mushroom, bacon, onions, green pepper, black olives, Canadian bacon, and lastly pineapple. And no surprise here, pizza is the second most favored fast food behind hamburgers in America. Pizza crusts can be thin, Chicago-style deep dish, gluten-free, whole wheat, or even cauliflower, and any style is available fresh or frozen. If you need a national holiday to tell you to eat pizza, then February 9 is the day for you! 

Being angry isn’t such a bad idea . . . how can you say that?

Feb 06, 2020 by Eileen Adler

If pictures speak one thousand words, you only need one to caption this picture: ANGER! Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure, bitterness, and resentment and it’s an intensely strong emotion, leaving one feeling uncomfortable because of the perceived threat or aggression that appears to be hurling toward us.  


We may ask ourselves what is happening to me, but it might be better to ask ourselves what anger is doing to me. What is happening is that we have forsaken our self-monitoring capacity and the ability to observe what is happening. Remember, anger is caused by a perceived injustice and keep in mind that all of us have our own fairness perception.  

Groundhog’s Day

Feb 02, 2020 by Eileen Adler
Punxsutawney Phil is a harbinger of warmer weather to come, but who decided that this groundhog, who has no predictive skill is a reliable rodent meteorologist? Groundhog Day began in 1887 in Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. 

Let There Be Light

Jan 27, 2020 by Eileen Adler

On this day in 1880, Thomas Edison (1847-1931) patented the first successful electric incandescent lamp, preceded by many others who tried. What outdistanced him from the others was that his was the first commercially practical incandescent light. “When Thomas Edison worked late into the night on the electric light, he had to do it by gas lamp or candle. I'm sure it made the work seem that much more urgent,” a prophetic perspective from George Carlin, (1937-2008) an actor, writer, and comedian, placing second to Richard Pryor on Comedy Central’s list of “Top 100 Comics of all Time.”  


Witch - Begone! You have no power here!

Jan 17, 2020 by Eileen Adler

In The Wizard of Oz, the 1939 sensational movie based on the book by L. Frank Baum, Dorothy Gale, a young girl from Kansas, hurled to Oz because of a terrible tornado, is now in Emerald City standing before the Great Wizard of Oz. He has ordered her to bring him the broomstick of the wicked witch so that he may perform his wizardry and take Dorothy safely back home, which has been her desire since landing in Oz. Dorothy, along with the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion go to the witch’s dungenous castle. Realizing she is in danger, the witch proclaims, "Well, my little pretty, I can cause accidents too," and proceeds to light a match attempting to set the straw-filled Scarecrow on fire. Dorothy, at that instant, spies a bucket of water and throws the water to put out the fire, but the water also splashes on the witch who exclaims “I'm MELTING! I'm Melting!” Quick thinking by Dorothy saves the day, and as care partners, we must enhance our ability to think quickly to melt our witch away. Witch - Begone! You have no power here.  

Yes, some days the witch does live here!

Jan 16, 2020 by Eileen Adler

There are days when I wake up exhausted and the sun has barely risen. This feeling creeps in, and might I add, is most unwelcome. Is this going to be one of those bad witchy days? My father-in-law taught me that sometimes we need those bad days to help us appreciate the good ones. Great.

Yes, there are the bad days when the wicked witch does live here . . . and it doesn’t please me to admit this. With the non-ending feelings of being responsible, when my plate feels so full, when I feel lonely and just plain overwhelmed and exhausted from interrupted sleep, and ironically, because I care so deeply for my care receiver watching him struggling more each day, I become cranky (this is a euphuism – I become witchy). I’m happy to report that these feelings occur occasionally, and I know my self-care rituals help – self-care is life-care.