"Courageous care partners recharge with self-care, striving for peaceful pinnacles
in patience, persistence, and positive 
changes, knowing when to conquer and when to comfort."

Tikkun Olam is

Jul 01, 2024 by Eileen Adler

Much of our world is fractured, fragmented and very messy. But it’s not broken.
Tikkun Olam means “repair of the world,” sometimes referred to as “social justice.”  But I’d like to apply it to caregiving. Our personal world may feel like it is fractured, fragmented and very messy, but it’s not broken.


Barbara Shapiro creates art that reflects Tikkun Olam, with simple materials: her “hands, a few basketry tools, and brushes” and her camera records her creations. Her globe-shaped basket contains the art concept called Kintsugi, which we will delve into in my next blog.


A maquette, a word derived from French, is a scale model or rough draft of an unfinished sculpture. An equivalent term is bozzetto, a diminutive of the Italian word for a sketch.


Life Lesson: “One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem,

see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe