"Courageous care partners recharge with self-care, striving for peaceful pinnacles
in patience, persistence, and positive 
changes, knowing when to conquer and when to comfort."

Applying strength.

Jun 24, 2024 by Eileen Adler

Looking in the mirror, your outward appearance looks the same but inside you find another reflection - a person losing patience and believing you are incapable in your role as a care partner. Rather than saying, "I can't," replace it with "I'll try."

Alyssa Ages' book titled, Secrets of Giants, A Journey to Uncover the True Meaning of Strength, uncovers why strength matters - we are capable of so much more. "No matter what life throws you in, you're gonna feel like crap about it for a little while, and that's understandable. But life goes on, and if you want something hard enough, you go for it." The message is clear - we can do anything if we work hard enough!

A book inspiring Ms. Ages read was Grit: The Power of Passion and Perservance by Angela Duckworth, who believes that grit is perservance, hard work, resilience, and pushing ahead. "Our potential is one thing, but what we do with it is quite another."



Alyssa Ages competes in a truck pull event in a strongman competition. 

She is a former personal trainer, group fitness instructor, a strongman competitor, marathoner, triathlete, occasional rock climber, author, and the mother of two children.


Life Lesson:
There is strength to be found in all aspects of life. 
“Maybe strength isn’t about being immune to pain or impervious to failure, but instead about managing the struggle.” 


Sometimes, I need to go off on my own. I’m not sad. I’m not angry.

I’m just recharging my batteries.

Postscript from last week:

My brother-in-law contacted Dr. Byock on my behalf and we have been in contact. "
It is truly good to have made our connection,"

he wrote and I truly agree. So thankful for his book and for him.