Daughter-hood Circles
Rainer Maria Rilke
“It seems to me that the only way one can be helpful is to extend one’s hand to someone else involuntarily, and without ever knowing how useful this will be,” the brilliant words from a man named Rilke. Was he writing this for me, a care partner?
The "Crookedest Street"
The “Crookedest Street” may symbolize our journey! The speed limit on this street is five miles per hour but how do we slow ourselves down? Is there a street sign for us to follow?
The Five Love Languages
The Five Love Languages written by Gary Chapman was published in 2015, but his exploration began in the 1990s decoding the way we express and would like to receive love, how this love makes us feel on an emotional level, and looking for validation in ways that are meaningful to us. Share with your partners how each of you would like to be validated – yes, you can choose more than one!
It’s up to us to choose.
Here’s the scoop on hidden costs of caregiving.
Tax Day, April 15th has come and gone . . . but the expenses don’t go away when you are caring for someone. Care partners provide home visits, dispense medication, shop, feed, groom, do laundry, provide an escort service, companionship, and many more activities. I think we are worth a full-time salary equal to those with advanced degrees; for what it is worth . . . I’m just saying.
“Inside the ring or out, ain’t nothing wrong with going down. It’s staying down that’s wrong.
“Inside the ring or out, ain’t nothing wrong with going down. It’s staying down that’s wrong.”
“Every day is different, and some days are better than others, but no matter how challenging the day, I get up and live it.
The 'Knitting Lady' Is a Surgeon and She's Paying Attention! Or is she?
May Day
May 1 – May Day - If you find yourself losing patience or recognize that someone you know is being treated unfairly, please secure help. Yes, there are days when you feel more sensitive.
And all the time I thought I was just cooking or dancing or sewing.
Math and Craft
And all the time I thought I was just knitting or crocheting or coloring. Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a crafty – mathy ride!
People Age Well Where They Have a Purpose – Regardless of Your Age
Who Will Decide IF You Can’t?
A Bromance is Very Important
Eat Your Colors by Eating the Rainbow
A hidden illness . . . but not for the person who has it. . . but you look so good!
A hidden illness . . . but not for the person who has it. . . but you look so good! “Just for the record darling, not all positive changes feel positive in the beginning,” advises S.C. Lourie, a writer and dance teacher, living in the outskirts of London.
Before you read another word, please know that this is an overview.
When in doubt, seek professional help.
Chronic disease is a burden worldwide. Effective treatments and education must be made available to all who suffer, acknowledging that one of these chronic illnesses, diabetes, is approaching an epidemic level in our country. Diabetes is th
Support for Parents for They are Care Partners Too
When our first son was born, I told the nurse that I couldn’t be discharged from the hospital until she taught me how to change a diaper! I hadn’t spent much time around babies, and I had no clue. I learned, and within a few months, I ditched the diaper service and bought disposable diapers. Being a first-time mother, diapers weren’t the biggest concern, however. Every day felt like a first day on the job! Trying to ascertain the reason for a whimper, or oh no, a crying baby was hard, but my son was an easy baby, sleeping through the night at six weeks, and oh so happy.
It’s Pi Day! Hi, how are you? I’m fine. How are you?
Today is Pi Day, and it’s also the birthday of Albert Einstein born on this day in 1879. One of his famous quotations was "The important thing is not to stop questioning." The best way to learn is by asking questions, and keep in mind that NO question is a stupid question.
Talking It over with Friends
CARE Act is a major step in the right direction as more states are adopting laws to help family caregivers; currently, the “red” states and territories are now in compliance. This act, CARE: (Caregiver Advise, Record, Enable Act), requires hospitals to ask a patient if he or she wishes to name a family caregiver which is then officially included on the patient’s medical record enabling easy access to inform the caregiver of the patient’s discharge. For me, this last requirement is essential for it provides education and instructions on the medical or nursing tasks that will be needed to perform at home by the caregiver.