Feb 12, 2023 by Eileen Adler
There are many ways to curb your anger. Just a few suggestions but always remember, there are always possibilities. Feelings oscillate – going this way and that.
- THINK before you speak.
- I use SAFE, asking myself, am I feeling sad, am I feeling angry or anxious, or am I feeling fearful or frustrated? Once I determine my feelings, I’m better able to handle them. The E stands for empowerment!
- Get some exercise. Nothing reduces my stress more than a brisk walk. Find an exercise habit that you enjoy and will continue.

- Time Out is not just for children. Give yourself a time out if the going is too tough.
- Understand that some things are out of your control so set realistic boundaries. Be in the moment and avoid words like should, never, always, and hate.
- If in doubt, throw out YOU! When you’ve cooled off, express your feelings in a nonconfrontational way, beginning with “I feel . . .”
- Humor and laughter are great ways to re-direct an unwanted behavior.

- Breathe deeply or use other relaxation techniques like listening to music, saying a mantra, drawing, meditation. So many fabulous options – start with one.
- Express your gratitude by writing in your journal. Writing is a process that provides clarity.

- Get enough sleep.
- Know when to seek help. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
- Diet – eat it if flies or swims and eat the bushes.