"Courageous care partners recharge with self-care, striving for peaceful pinnacles
in patience, persistence, and positive 
changes, knowing when to conquer and when to comfort."

Self-care Rituals

Jan 05, 2023 by Eileen Adler

Self-care Rituals

“Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time.
Until you value your time, you won’t do anything about it.” – M. Scott Peck

The future starts today, not tomorrow.” – Pope John Paul II

“How did it get so late so soon.
It’s night before it’s afternoon.
December before it’s June.
My goodness, how the time has flewn.
How did it get so late so soon?” – Dr. Seuss


  1. Self-care is living your best life, and self-care is not negotiable.   
  2. Self-care is when you need some P&P – Pleasure and Pampering, but it’s not Perfection.
  3. Self-care is preserving your inner soul by building quality time for yourself; it is not an indulgence.
  4. Saying “no” is about finding your boundaries, protecting your personal space, and setting comfortable limits. 
  1. Self-care is surrounding yourself with positivity; edit out the people who aren’t supportive or positive.
6. Self-care is hoping that we will be ok . . . and if not, we will find solutions.
7. Self-care is exercising alone or with friends. Stay fit and be social.
8. Self-care is not worrying about what cannot be controlled. According to the poet Rumi,The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore.” 
  1. Self-care is staying connected, attached, and involved with others; being social brings solace so join a support group.
  2. Self-care is maintaining your normal routine while finding ways to relax. Breathe. 
  3. Self-care is knowing that your journey is as unique as you are and the feelings will come and go, meander in different directions, each time teaching a life lesson.
  4. Feelings include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance and will come in fits and spurts and may arrive when you least expect them. Don’t rush the feelings and don’t apologize for them.
  5. Self-care is finding a passion, pursue it, make time for it, nourishing and nurturing it for it can be an appointment for continued good health, good karma, goodness.
  6. Find your “happy” passion place. My passion is my knitting – it stops me and quiets me; it’s my personal take-along comfort keeper. Writing my blogs has provided untold hours of self-care. Thank you for sharing my self-care ritual.