"Courageous care partners recharge with self-care, striving for peaceful pinnacles
in patience, persistence, and positive 
changes, knowing when to conquer and when to comfort."

November is National Family Caregivers Month

Nov 01, 2021 by Eileen Adler

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around,” explained Leo Buscaglia (1924-1998), “The Love Doctor,” was an author and motivational speaker. This prayer for caregivers written by Bruce McIntyre expands Mr. Buscaglia’s quote.


A Prayer for the Caregiver

by Bruce McIntyre

Unknown and often unnoticed, you are a hero nonetheless.
For your love, sacrificial, is God at his best.

You walk by faith in the darkness of the great unknown,
And your courage, even in weakness, gives life to your beloved.

You hold shaking hands and provide the ultimate care:
Your presence, the knowing, that you are simply there.

You rise to face the giants of disease and despair,
It is your finest hour, though you may be unaware.

You are resilient, amazing, and beauty unexcelled.
You are the caregiver and you have done well!


About Bruce McIntyre

"A Prayer for Caregivers"