Just for Pretty
Carrie Newcomer is an American singer, songwriter, and author, may explain love this way - Just For Pretty
This is a photo of her recent knitting project.
Her husband asked, "What is it? What's it for?”
“It’s just for pretty."
That was a phrase her mother used when something had no real "practical” purpose but was still fun or delightful or life-giving in some manner. It was deemed "just for pretty.”
Sometimes it is enough to just admire something, to be delighted by something, to love it because it is wonderfully impractical, to do it because it brings so much deep-down joy.
Life Lesson: What is it? It is just for pretty.
This is my “just for pretty.” Looking out my kitchen window at a blank beige fence, I decided to add some pretty – the breezes play wonderfully with the colors and the shadows.