"Courageous care partners recharge with self-care, striving for peaceful pinnacles
in patience, persistence, and positive 
changes, knowing when to conquer and when to comfort."

From Frog to Crab to Hummingbird – Today is a momentous day! Find your dreams and pursue them with abandon!

Jan 20, 2021 by Eileen Adler

The holidays are over and now we are back in the groove – maybe. Some days are a mix of crazy, crabby, or contentment. How might we get to contentment?

A child’s dream emerges and is pursued with abandon. Is it becoming a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, an actor, an engineer, a policeman, a firefighter, a care partner? Not sure about the last dream but here you are, so now what?


Lulu Lloyd, in a broad sense, is a care partner for all the children she teaches and inspires but her real childhood dream began after attending the New York Broadway play “Beauty and the Beast.” Bitten by the theater bug, she set her dreams on becoming an actor and off to New York she went to earn a degree from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy. Founded in 1964 by Philip Burton, AMDA the school is situated on West 61st Street in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, a buzz of activity as it sits directly behind the Lincoln Center. And then, explains Lulu, “I pounded the pavement” and heard “hundreds of ‘no’s’” She did secure some acting gigs but it was a different role, not her acting role, that stole her heart.

While acting in Andrew Lloyd Weber’s “School of Rock,” she was invited to teach seventeen children, assisting them with their acting roles. Mind you, Lulu had never taught but she came to realize that this was the best part of her job. She stayed with the position for three years training over seventy students leading to her life’s purpose, teaching aspiring young actors seeking their dreams.

She opened The Broadway Clubhouse in her hometown, San Diego, California, a school offering many aspects of the acting world for the performers. Her sage advice to her students is saying “yes” because that word changed her life. “Immerse yourself in all aspects of the theater,” she advices.

Life lesson: I will amend her advice: “Immerse yourself in all aspects of self-care,” which fits into the section that is titled “Time Off.” That is the time for self-care.  



P.S. Thank you Jacob for your awesome photography.

Lulu's Clubhouse